Thursday, June 7, 2012

Two crafts in one day :O

So today I got a little ambitious and decided that I could complete two craft project in one day. I made one for Sarah and one for Ashley. The one I made for Sarah took a lot longer though.


Step 1:
I took wooden letters that spell out the name SARAH and painted them "Sarah Blue." I then decorated them with a silver sharpie

Step 2:
After I did that to all of the letters I found ribbon that matched the letters and I tied them to a wooden dowel. I then hot glued the other end of the ribbon to the back of the wooden letters. After all that I tied a longer piece of ribbon to the wooden dowel so she could hang it up in her room.

The finished product looks like this:

The next craft I did was a little different


Step 1:
I again went and got a wooden letter. This time is was much larger and it was just an A. 

Step 2:
I had printed out sum pictures of me and my best friend Ashley that I was going to include in a scrapbook that I am making her but the pictures were to small so I cut them out and glued them onto the wooden letter A. There was just enough space also to write Big, Little, and SP 2012. (it is kinda hard to see in the picture):

Step 3: 
After all was said and done, I thought I was finished. Then I was thinking and remember a fight that me and my best friend Ashley had a couple days ago. I remembered a quote I used on my Facebook just to show her that I was thinking about her and that I cared. It goes like this: 

"Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you’re down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.” 

So I then wrote this on the back of the wooden letter A. I think it describes out personalities perfect.

I think that both Ashley and Sarah will love the package that I am sending them. Everything you have seen so far is going to them. I think that it is so cool to show someone just how much you appreciate and cherish there friendship. I mean I did not buy them something expensive. I went and made something from the heart that truly showcases how much they both mean to me. I can honestly say that I do not know where I would be today without these two lovely ladies in my life.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Life is one big quote, in a box full of hearts"

 I am sorry that I haven't been able to update my blog as much as I wanted to. I have been busy doing other craft projects and then never getting around to finishing them. However, today I finished one!

I told you awhile ago that I was sending crafts to my best friend Ashley who stayed at her apartment where we both go to school. This craft project however, is for her roommate Sarah.

I have known Sarah since my Freshman year and didn't even realize it. She is also in the Music Fraternity that I joined, Sigma Alpha Iota. She is one of the main reasons I am who I am today. She helped me come out of my shell and stop hiding inside. I am so much more outgoing now and when people talk about me being shy it is a joke to them. I can't believe that one simply act of kindness could help me so much. I decided to make this craft for her:

Quotes in a Box:

Step 1:
I found a box and I painted it her favorite "Sarah Blue". Then I cut up strips of paper to write quotes on. I didn't know what to do with the extra paper so I cut them into hearts and was going to add those to the box as well.

The next thing I did was I looked up a bunch of different quotes. Then I took about ten of them and wrote them onto the strips of paper. Here are some examples.

Step 3:
After all the strips of paper had been written on I folded them in half and put them in the box along with the hearts. I labeled the top of the box "The Quote Box" I also added a few extra slips of paper so that she could add her own quotes to the box.


I think that it is a neat idea to do something like this. I think she will love it. Well... at least I am hoping. This is something that I have never done before and I think that it came out pretty awesome. I think that this was a great way to show her how much I appreciate everything that she had truly done for me and how I cherish every moment of it. I couldn't ask for a better sister and friend.

I am hoping to be finishing up some more craft projects soon and be updating my blog more. :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

How much do you love your best friend?

For those of you that don't know this is my best friend, Ashley. I met her my freshman year of college when I was in Festival Choir. My Sophomore year of college she became my Big in Sigma Alpha Iota. A Music Fraternity for Women that I joined. I can honestly say I don't know what I would do without her. She is always there for me and can fix any of the problems the I throw at her. This summer we are about three and a half hours away from each other because she said at school and I went home. So I decided to make her a bunch of crafty things and mail them to her. Today I managed to finish one thing. 

It was called 50 Reasons Why You Are My Best Friend.

Step one:

 I decided I wanted to think outside the box so I found playing cards. I also used a purple sharpie to write on the playing cards because purple is her favorite color.

Step Two:

 I then proceeded to write things on the cared that made up why she was my best friend. Here are some examples:

Example One:


Example Two:

Example Three:

Step Four:

 After all of that was done I hole punched all 50 cards. I then found some ribbon and tied them all together. The finished product is above :)

I really think that she is going to like it because we always do cute things like that for each other. I once left her a note on her door to her apartment when she was having a bad day and I brought her the largest Valentines Day card I could find at Walmart. I think that it is safe to say that no matter what Ashley is going to always be there for me. I couldn't imagine a better best friend :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I was always the type of person that never thought I could have a blog. I would run out of things to talk about, should the blog have a theme, or should my blog just simply be about random things.

Well two of my very close friends have actually inspired me to do this. Both of these friends have blogs of there own and I love to read them. One has a theme and the other one is about whatever she feels like. I will post their blogs with this because I recommend reading them:

I have decided to spend my time kind of wisely this summer instead of becoming a "couch potato". I have started exercising more and getting back into shape. Most I have found my new summer obsession and that is crafting!

I have loved crafting since I was a little girl and I am always looking for things to craft. For those of you who don't know I am going to be a junior in college in the fall. I am super excited, but nervous because college is so quickly coming to an end. My two best friends are currently living where I go to school. This summer however, I came home. So I decided that I was going to make a ton of crafty things and mail them to them. This also inspired my blog.

I will post things about me and what I love sometimes, but mostly I will be posting my lovely craft things that I have learned to craft over the summer. I think it will be a good way to keep busy when I am not working instead of watching t.v. all day.